Our Story

Located in the heart of San Francisco, Seed Studio was born from the shared passion of a collector, and a designer. Our journey in the world of plants spans over two decades, beginning with a fascination for orchids. As our exploration deepened, we embraced a wider array of botanical wonders, including lush ferns, delicate streptocarpus, enchanting terrarium plants, captivating carnivorous varieties, and the sculptural beauty of Haworthia, among others.

At Seed Studio, our selections are curated with an artist's eye and a collector's heart. We specialize in breeding and cultivating new and exciting varieties, offering a unique platform for both seasoned collectors and enthusiastic newcomers. Here, you'll find a trove of high-quality, unique plants, each chosen to inspire and delight. Join us in our ongoing adventure, and let's discover the extraordinary world of plants together.